A Tall Order – a book by Daniel Tall
Published on Friday, February 6th, 2015, under Media
Ellis’ endorsement:
“All my adult life I have attempted to surround myself with positive, interesting, passionate, motivated, like-minded people. I guess I always hoped that something useful might rub off on me … I’m still waiting …? haha
From the moment I met Daniel we instantly hit it off. He was down to earth, practical, entrepreneurial and loved to work hard and play even harder. Daniel and his wife Michelle seemed to live by a different set of rules … less encumbered by the stranglehold of societies unspoken limitations. They love to continually challenge themselves, learn and grow as people and they are not afraid to give anything a go. But most of all, what intrigued me about Daniel and Michelle, is that they dreamed big.
I’m a great believer in having dreams (the bigger the better), and then setting goals in order to achieve them. This motivates us to get out of bed in the morning and do the very thing that we love to do. Moreover, they not only continue to try new ideas, but also keep diversifying no matter what, by not allowing the notion of failure or the unknown frighten them off their course. No failure was a failure in their eyes. It was merely a side step and a great opportunity to learn a valuable lesson. No idea was too big, too ambitious or unattainable.
I imagine Daniel like a pit-bull terrier with the postman fair in his sights. Once he focuses on a new goal, be it business or personal, he will let nothing stand in his way of achieving it.
I have always known that these two would be extremely successful, not just in business, but in life as well. It was not that they had had the best education; it was not because they had the best ideas, upbringing, or were more intelligent than others around them, it was their mindset, pure and simple. Have a big enough ‘WHY’ and the rest will follow.
I am a strong believer that, what you put into life, you get out, and I sincerely believe that Daniel and Michelle are the epitome of this phrase.
I do not know another couple that has the courage that these two have.
I have the utmost respect for Daniel and Michelle, and they continue to inspire me to become a better person, and better in business.”