‘The Press’ – Climber’s body irrecoverable, coroner finds
Published on Wednesday, February 9th, 2000, under Media
The Press
9 March 2000
TIMARU – Timaru Coroner Edgar Bradley says he is satisfied the body of an Auckland climber is irrecoverable.
Mr Bradley held an inquest yesterday into the death of John Lyburn Sutherland, 25, a projects manager.
Sergeant Geoff McCrostie siad he was told on December 30 that four climbers, Ellis Emmett, Andrew Ashley, Malcolm and John Sutherland were overdue from a climb on Mount D’Archiac, in the Rangitata Valley, and organized a search. The fall area – heavily crevassed – was searched but there was no sign of Mr Sutherland.
Sergeant McCrostie said the area was the same as where another climber had fallen several years earlier.
A hole was found near the edge of a crevasse, and a searcher lowered, but there was no sign of Mr Sutherland.
Snow was falling down the hole, and it was believed the climber was under the snow.
Mr Bradley said he was satisfied the body was irrecoverable.