Guest Book
We Were Here
If you have been inspired in any way by Ellis or your experience within his web site, please feel free to leave a personal note or feedback below!
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Your personal signature in the form of thoughts & insights are welcomed and appreciated.
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Thank you – from the production team!
Mission Statement
To family, friends, mentors & countless individuals all over the world that have opened your hearts and homes, my heart felt gratitude for all of your influence, your shared wisdom & your continued inspiration.
The planet that we all share is so inconceivably diverse with richness, an infinite array of vibrant colors & flavors, in all aspects of its four dimensional sphere.
At first glance, it may seem that I personally have traveled extensively, but the reality is that I have scarcely seen anything at all!
The only way to truly explore our earth’s great vastness is if we discover it as a team – you and I, peering under one precious stone at a time, experiencing, learning & sharing information by whatever means we can.
My mission is to engage & inspire others to make their own discoveries – internal or external. Inspire others to push their own boundaries, set forth & discover their own world for themselves, then to distribute that newfound wealth appropriately for the good of all life on this planet.
If we can discover new ways to live more in harmony with our earth, nature & all its complexities, then we will all benefit in the end.
If we can pull together & work towards one collective mission, then we can make substantial & lasting change for the good of all. For we have a duty to pass on a better, healthier planet than the one we were fortunate enough to inherit.
So in discovering your own world, near or far, and by learning & sharing, we are together becoming more acutely aware of what we have – but more importantly what we ultimately have to lose. As a result we grow, collectively becoming greater enriched and intimately more attached to this little rock that we call home.
Safe, happy & WILD travels
I have read about Ellis and his adventures and I have to say I am completely astonished and I would love to start traveling. I’m from a small fisherie island located on the east coast of Canada and I’ve Been saving to travel to New Zealand, I believe that if I’m able to do that I’ll be able to meet the girl I’ve been talking to for over 3 years and finally ask her out and be able to visit the best places On the earth! Can’t wait to start my Adventures
Although I have only known Ellis a brief time, the meeting with him and subsequent friendship has helped me change my life. We met one evening and through conversation he encouraged me to explore a few fears that were holding me back from achieving some long aspired goals. He has continued to be a solid mentor for me during this time, but most importantly his own attitude towards life is infectious. When he speaks about his life and adventures, he speaks from the heart and stirs something in us that makes us want to achieve even just a little of what he has achieved. It is clear he practices what he preaches and does what he says he’s going to do – all this while keeping his feet firmly planted on the ground and maintaining a sense of adventure and humour. He exudes a natural excitement about life – and makes the most of every opportunity. I know that he has had to overcome his own obstacles and face a few of his own fears in life on a personal level, but he has managed to achieve greatness and maintain humility while doing so. He is a rare commodity in this world; compassionate, kind, a people person and a natural born leader and mentor. I would encourage anyone who would like to be and feel inspired to listen and pay attention to Ellis. A big thank you to him for stirring the energy and inspiration in me to find my own adventures. I will be forever grateful!
I just wanted to say from watching you on Departures and Descending alone you, along with the wonderful crew you associate yourself with, have been incredibly inspiring and motivating in my life. After coming across this page just reading a few sections and reading more about your story, I can’t begin to describe the amount it had on my decisions and thought process while coming to live my dreams. (as cliché and cheesy as it sound.) I have done a 9 day trek around Iceland and it has been one of the most gratifying and life changing experiences, and now plan to make it just one of many.
I just wanted to write to you so I can thank you for all you have done just by living the way you wish to live, and though I could never fully thank you for all you have done, at the very least I can do this. My next plan is to come visit New Zealand and work there for a year, as I’ve always wished to explore the wonderful country. Thanks again for everything, and all the best from Canada!
– Mathew, Canada –
I have just discovered your t.v. Show descending. I am at a loss for words! My husband and I love diving and share the passion that you do. The quality of this show is superb. Scott the way you describe what you are feeling and experiencing on your adventures reach the viewers! Your passion and love of the ocean is evident in every episode. The pairing of Scott and Ellis is spot on they are a wonderful team. I can’t wait to get home from work to watch the show each day. I know I won’t be able to travel to all the destinations you guys go to but just watching your show I feel like I have been there. Thank you for descending it is so great to dive into these adventures with you!!
Liz and Lincoln simon
Whitby ontario
I’m not sure where to begin, in wanting to share what I know of Ellis. I feel like the things I have to say are mostly covered by everyone else – and that’s just one of the many great things about him. It doesn’t matter who you are, a stranger, a close friend, young or old – he treats everyone with the same kindness and respect, but gives each and every person a little piece of himself in a way which reaches out to you. I haven’t known Ellis very long, but in that short period of getting to know him, it is unmistakable that he is an amazing man, with a remarkable talent and zest for everything he believes in. It would be easy in a world surrounded by materialism and with the publicity of what he does to lose a sense of what is real and important, but Ellis remains extremely down-to-earth and caring, and I found myself naturally opening up to him like a close friend I’ve known for years.
The word may sound over-used, but Ellis is a true inspiration to everybody he comes into contact with ( I feel he has already made a profound effect on my own situations ) which is a rare quality to find in someone – however, to inspire people is something that Ellis has a natural aptitude in. There is absolutely no sign of arrogance or coercion, just a wise and patient man, with an astonishing past, both personal and publicised, that would give anybody hope and inspiration in achieving their own dreams.
I love Ellis’ ability to talk about sensitive subjects whilst maintaining a playfulness and infectious warmth, thus relaxing and further grabbing people’s attention and I fully believe that he would be able to motivate any audience with any subject that he was passionate about.
Ellis is truly a unique man, who will continue to make his mark on the Earth and instill his positivity into all he meets!
Thank you for everything, you are awesome!
– Ashlee, Canada –
Although I’ve never met you, and you wouldn’t know me if I was standing right in front of you, I feel I owe you a debt of gratitude.
I have two nephews, Dylan and Troy. Although I’m just an “uncle” by friendship, I love them like they were my own boys. Troy is in his first year of high school, Dylan will start high school this fall. They’re both kind, polite boys that do well in school, have many friends, play sports, and have an adventurous spirit like most boys do. I know from personal experience that this is one of the most critical stages in life, where kids are exposed to influences and temptations, that, based on their decisions and actions will define who they are and what they become. It’s a confusing, overwhelming time in life with many forks in the road. Forks that present choices that could be the difference between a happy fulfilling life, and a life of hardship and despair.
After the premier screening of Descending I was so impressed with the show, I had the boys over to my home for a guys night, where among other activities, we watched episode 1 when it appeared on tv. They were immediately taken with the show, and in particular your contagious zest for life. After the episode we talked about the show, the adventure, the home you built, the type of life you live. We must have talked for well over an hour, not to mention the drive home. It is now a Sunday custom that they call me right after each episode to discuss their thoughts and impressions.
A few examples stand out: When you gathered your crew of adventurers together to help the donkey in obvious pain from the can stuck on its hoof. As Dylan pointed out “Ellis is so cool! Even in the middle of a diving adventure, he stops to help an injured animal.” I responded, “Good people always try to put the needs of others first, and always try to do the right thing.” The second example was when your dive partner called off a dive because of personal anxiety. I was curious to see if when we spoke, they might ridicule that decision like young kids do. I was so proud that their initial discussion focused on how pleased they were that nobody teased your diving partner, and in particular, how supportive and reassuring you were. After an incredible hour of unbelievable adventure, what stood out most in their minds, was how you reacted to help your friend. We talked about friendship, teasing, trying to put yourself in other peoples shoes when you might not agree with them, and about being sympathetic and supportive. I could go on and on with more examples, but you get the idea.
Although you’ve never met these boys, you’ve had a positive impact on their lives. They might think they’re too old to admit to having a hero, but from our weekly discussions, I can tell that you are someone they respect, admire and want to emulate. I can’t think of a better role model.
I hope some day I have the privilege of meeting you, so I can look you in the eyes and say thank you in person.
With great respect and appreciation,
Patrick Bianchi, Toronto, Canada
In a lifetime, you will meet many people of all kinds but It is only so often that you are lucky enough to encounter a person who will make a great impact on the way you think and even live your life. Ellis is just that to me. His writing is moving, riveting and exciting as he is a true storyteller of wild adventure and overcoming fear but in person he is more inspiring than words can say. There are few on this Earth that you can put on the same shelf with this man…maybe his stunningly gorgeous wife Sanna….;) but Ellis is as genuine, passionate, adventurous and wonderful as they come. I have been lucky enough to not only travel the world with Ellis but to explore the underwater world alongside him as well. He has a contagious hunger to experience life to the fullest and push boundaries to the point of no return. He has a way of turning your fears to fuel and your self doubt to motivation. Every moment with Ellis is full of life and energy and if you ever have the true privilege of meeting him, I am sure you will be just as intrigued within seconds of his illuminating nature….or he may have you lifting something heavy, climbing something high, doing back flips off a boat or some kind of exciting adventure:)
Hello Mr. Emmet!
First off, this is a great site, love the formating and all the different sections, I enjoy the quotes at the page bottoms as well. Second off, pass my congratulations onto your parents for raising such a top notch individual, really! I first became aware of your existance watching departures, and you struck me as a very fun, enthusiastic guy (a dreadful understatement), and I was stoked to hear you made it onto descending, which I can’t wait to see. The stories and photos you’ve shared on here really do inspire people to push themselves higher, to go that extra little bit further, to be so intrepid as to go beyond what you ever thought you could do or was possible. You are such an example for us all, for the capacities of greatness that lie within all of us, but sadly for most, go unrealized. Seriously, if you had been born in another time, I imagine you would either have been one of the Julius Caesars or Da Vincis or Charlemagnes or Nebuchadnezzars or Platos of history, you just seem to kick so much ass at life! Good work, and keep it up! I can’t wait to see where you’re road takes you next! All the best!
I recently had the pleasure to be in the audience of the Q+A with Ellis, Scott and Andre during the” descending” premiere in Toronto and I got to meet Ellis before the show.
Ellis exudes positivity !
He is extremely knowledgeable , articulate ,quick witted and so very passionate about all his endeavors ! He motivated me with his incredible energy and awakened my passion for travel and adventure !
“It is when people harness their passions in positive ways that the world is shaped in a beautiful way.”
“It is when people harness their passions in positive ways that the world is shaped in a beautiful way.”
I second that.
This website has so many layers, whether you love adventure, beautiful photography or you just need inspiration this is the place to go. Ellis’s obvious passion for life is contagious and endearing. I’ve come back to this website a few times now and each visit I find something new. Ellis is truly an amazing man on a deeper mission to make the world a better place, one person at a time. I believe in his mission and that he’s capable of doing it!
Definitely feeling grateful for stopping by in this awesome website. I like the pictures and quotes there in the main page.
Ellis’ thoughts and experiences he shared here would be beneficial for us to learn from and think about. Thank you for sharing :).
Our beautiful earth is fragile indeed, therefore it’s our (unwritten) obligation to take good care of it for ourselves and our future generations eventually. The mission statement he stated above has really moved me, and I think many people NEED to read that one too.
“… in discovering your own planet, near or far, by learning & sharing we are together becoming more acutely aware of what we have – but more importantly what we ultimately have to lose. … ”
So Ellis, keep up the adventure, keep inspiring, and keep reminding each other (all human beings in this globe) about loving, preserving, not destroying our beloved ‘pale blue dot’.
-Gratefully me.