Half Way To Hell …. and back!

Ellis writing by candle light deep inside an ancient temple.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
‘Half Way To Hell ….. and back!’ is an adventure packed travel book detailing Ellis Emmett’s personal journey, both in the physical and an inner spiritual sense, through Southeast Asia -Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.
‘Half Way To Hell ….. and back!’ will enthrall and excite you with adventures, danger and passion. It will draw out of your mind thoughts, and answer questions that you never wanted to ask. But it is much more than just this simple act. It will take you deep within your own mind and soul – draw out fears and insecurities to question your very being.
Ellis lived through some amazing and crazy experiences in his slightly unorthodox style of travel, from being surrounded and held captive at gunpoint in Cambodia, to being arrested, jailed and interrogated in Vietnam.
He also found his way to extremely remote locations where villages treated him like he was the first white person to have set foot on their soil.
- Children from remote village – Cambodia.
During his solo travels, Ellis kept a detailed journal of his experiences. When he arrived back home in New Zealand his manuscript collated dozens of individual adventures and totalled more than 170,000 words.
- Giant silk trees overgrowing Ta Prohm temple.

Inside Ta Prohm temple. Built from stone blocks in the 12th century - Cambodia.
Ellis has a real gift for storytelling. He has a knack for bringing the reader right to the very edge – then pushes them over!
As you read you will feel like you are there, living and experiencing it alongside Ellis. You will smell the essences of the roadside markets, the dust, dirt and sweat of several days travel. You will feel the wind in your hair and the tingle of fear when the automatic weapon prods at your chest, the weathered finger curled tightly about the trigger.
This book is written from a down to earth perspective, which will touch your very soul. It will inspire you but not just to travel. It will take you far beyond your outer self and question who you are!
Written in the moment, as it happened, Ellis’ journals were most of the time his only traveling companion. His journals were written from remote beaches to deep in the jungle, on the back of pickup trucks to perched on narrow ledges high on a bluff. His journals captured his most inner thoughts, feelings, fears and insights.

Morning wake up call. Isolated beach camp - Vietnam.
The status for the manuscript ‘Half Way To Hell ….. and back!’ is currently under construction. We believe that it will be a very intoxicating read and has the potential to be an internationally successful selling book.
This book is coming soon!
Book Title: Half Way To Hell . . . . and back!
Category: Non Fiction
Genre: Adventure Travel
Global Location: Southeast Asia
Chapters: 32
Word Count: 170,731