The Tree House
Labour Of Love
The most amazing thing about The Tree House is that Sanna and Ellis Emmett built it themselves. With no prior building experience they set about creating not only an amazing house to live in, but an incredibly diverse, inspiring and unique home. Their dream has now become reality.

The Tree House in all her glory. The two hardwood tree trunks go up to 9 metres above the floor.
The Tree House is a three story, open plan, rustic home. Situated on top of a small hill in North Canterbury. It overlooks rolling farmland to the north, bush clad hills in the distance and finally the snow capped Inland Kaikoura Mountain Ranges as a back drop.
‘The Tree House’ name was born from the two massive hardwood tree trunks, which rise 9 metres from the lounge floor to support the backbone of the super-structure.
The skeletal frame of the house is made up of over one hundred huge, hand-milled beams. These beams, along with the natural timber ceilings create a warm natural atmosphere. It also boasts one of the largest natural rock fireplaces in New Zealand, made from several giant, one tonne slabs of schist stone crafted together.
- The huge rock fireplace, inspired by the Angkor temples of Cambodia. The hearth rock alone weighs in at over a tonne, and the stone work goes up to 5 meters.
Above the 80 square metre, split-level living room, a mezzanine floor overhangs the lounge and an old sunken ships anchor chain supports the cantilevered balcony from the massive beams above.
Most of the timber for the build started in log form. Sanna and Ellis milled much of the large slabs used in the house construction by hand with an Alaskan chainsaw mill.
The house has been used as a fantastic setting for various functions and also as a wedding venue, easily catering for well over a hundred people.
The Tree House has featured on television on 3 individual shows, both nationally and internationally. It has also featured in an article in New Zealand’s ‘Growing Today’ magazine.
The tree house has been a labour of love, but it is more than just a house. It is a wonderful home – in every sense of the word!
A Personal Note
Our aim was to design and build a house with our hearts and souls as much as our hands. We wanted to build something unique, using as many natural materials as possible, while still maintaining a modern feel and without sacrificing comfort.
We are passionate about nature so we wanted to bring some of the outdoors in, to give the feeling that even when you are inside the home you are still a part of the natural world outside.
- The early skeletal frame work of The Tree House.
To say that building The Tree House has taken us on an interesting journey is something of an understatement.
- Artist impression by Rachael Koffman.
There were some exceptionally long hours, working multiple days and nights in succession and without rest to meet deadlines, before travelling overseas for filming, adventures or to spend time with Sanna back home in Scandinavia.
Part way through the build Sanna immigrated from Finland, along with her daughter Michelle (age 7 years), to be together as a family. She was especially thrown in at the deep end as her previous work experience was inner city office work!
- By night The Tree House really comes alive.
It was so funny in those early days, as Sanna didn’t know the English names for even the simplest of tools. So if I was up on the roof and wanted a particular tool passed up, I would have to imitate the noise or action that it made. Usually when I wanted the chainsaw, she would return with the weed-whacker, or something just as ‘useful’ and it would have been quicker to climb down and get it myself.
When Sanna, Michelle and I moved into The Tree House in the winter of 2003, it was still more of a building site than a house. There were no internal wall linings, there were no stairs to the top-level bedrooms and the only toilet was three stories below. Even our cat learned to climb the ladder. Not all the windows were fitted either and there was a big hole in the south wall of the lounge where the open fireplace was to be later constructed. When it rained the lounge floor would flood and if it was frosty the water would turn to ice and in the morning we would have our own ice skating rink. It certainly was a cold first winter in the house.
Michelle learned to sleep soundly amidst the chaos of noise with compressors, sanders, nailguns and chainsaws in the house all hours of the night.
- The view down the paddock, looking north toward the distant Inland Kaikoura Mountain Ranges. Early summer.
Sanna always says that we built the house twice, as we would build a portion of it, but I would not be happy with the result, so would tear it down and start over again.
However, one step at a time, we gradually ticked off the jobs on the infamous ‘things to be done list’ and piece by piece The Tree House took shape.
- A birds eye view.
Not only was building the house a huge undertaking, but so too was landscaping and developing the 3.5 acres of lawn and gardens and planting over 700 specimen trees on the 20 acre property.
Together, along with a lot of help and support from family and friends, we have faced numerous overwhelming challenges – yet conquered them one at a time.
Construction of The Tree House began towards the end of 2001 following a year in the planning and design phase.
The dwelling consists of 365 square meters of floor area over 4 levels. There are 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, an 80 square metre fully equipped gym, as well as an outdoor dining and BBQ area with an open woodfire, pizza oven and spa.
Over 70 cubic metres of concrete have been used in the construction of The Tree House.
Two 120-year-old eucalyptus trees act as main supporting columns. These rise up through the centre of the lounge to the exposed timber ceilings above. The structure has 129 exposed supporting beams throughout the house.
- The boss sitting by the fire.
50 tonnes of hand picked golden schist stone, transported 600 kms from Central Otago, has been laid as exterior cladding. 15 tonnes of grey schist stone, transported 400 kms from the West Coast, has been laid as interior feature walls along with the huge rock fireplace.
- The internal stone walls give a feeling of being amongst nature.
Numerous retaining walls have been built as features in the landscaped gardens from 120 tonnes of local Hanmer rock.
A Word From Ellis & Sanna
The Tree House Was Built With An Enormous Amount Of Personal Sacrifice, Effort, Love & Unwavering Dedication.
A Personal Conviction Was Made Even Before We Began That Anything Was Possible & What We Didn’t Know We Would Learn Along The Way.
Many Thousands Of Hours, Thought, Planning & Hard Labour Have Gone Into This Project, Much Of It Extremely Challenging & Physically Gruelling.
Along With This Blood, Sweat, Tears, Frustration, Fatigue & Sleep Deprivation Has Been Endured, More Than We Care To Remember!
When We Began Our Building Experience Was Nil, But We Learned As We Built & Despite Many Setbacks & Stumbling Blocks We Took On One Challenge At A Time.
But During This Time Much Help, Guidance & Support From Family & Friends Was Given, Out Of Kindness, Love, Respect & A Shared Belief Of Spirit.
To Those Friends & Family Who Have Given Assistance In The Building Of The Tree House Up On The Hill, Please Accept Our Sincere Heart Felt Thanks!
And Know That You Will Not Only Always Be Welcome In Our House, But That You Will Always Be A Part Of Our Home & Our Hearts!
To New Friends Who Share & Enjoy Our Home With Us, As You Sit In Front Of The Warm Open Fire Sipping Wine, Spare A Thought For This House, Its History & All The People That It Took To Bring It Together.
And Let This Be Testimony To The Magic Of Dreams & The Power Of Our Own Minds, For It Is These Which Are The Real Tools Of Trade In This Achievement.
Revel In The Beauty Of Life!
- We looked at this project in many ways as art work, combining natural materials with practical living.
Thank You.
The Tree House Recipe
String A List Of Ideas Together Like A Spider Web.
Plant The Seed Of A Dream & Then Follow Through With Massive Action.
Throw Into The Mix Some Imagination & Vision. Stir In A Pinch Of Ingenuity & A Shake Of Craziness.
But Most Importantly Add Copious Amounts Of Passion, Dedication & Hard Work.
Discard All Fears Of The Unknown & Make The Decision To Overcome Whatever Stands In Your Way, With Nothing But Your Will & Desire.
Keep Applying Passion, Dedication, Love & Caring, Even When Your Dreams Look So Dry & Dusty That Nothing Could Flourish.
Then Apply More Hard Work!
Find That Tiny Point, Shimmering On The Distant Horizon, Which Only You Can See. Readjust Your Focus – But Never Allow Your Gaze To Falter.
And When They Say It Can Not Be Done, Remember That It Can – It Just Might Take Some Time!
- Nature has provided the art work for the natural timber kitchen.
Pull Away The Weeds As Critics & Chase Away The Vermin In The Form Of Cheats & Scoundrels.
It Is None Of Your Business What Others Think Of You! So Save Your Energy For More Productive Things.
Shoulder The Responsibility & Then Apply More Hard Work.
Block Out The Time & Allow The Days & Nights To Blur Into One & Forget The Memories Of Blissful Sleep.
Leave Behind The Child – Carefree & Unconcerned Of The Future In The Naivety Of Youth – Its Job Is Done!
Try To Resist The Constant Allure Of A Love Affair With Stress & Anguish!
These Things Will Only Diminish Your Vision & Cloud Your Judgement. Like Rot It Will Continue To Spread If Left Unchecked.
Look After Yourself For If You Are To Finish This Journey You Need To Keep Fit & Strong In Mind & Spirit.
Lick Your Bloody Wounds, Wipe Away The Sweat & Dry Your Tears – There Is Work To Be Done & The Race Is On.
Time Waits For No Man!
Never Be Afraid, Nor Too Proud To Ask For, Or Accept Another’s Hand.
- The stunning texture, color and smell of timber is the essence of The Tree House.
Your Friends & Family Share In The Creation Of Your Dream Whether You Know It Or Not.
Invest Your Money As Wisely As You Have Your Time & When You Are Broke Beyond Words Be Ready To Become Extremely Creative.
Be Blind To The Length Of The Journey Ahead & Just Focus On Each Tiny Task In Front Of You – Step By Tiny Step.
And Between The Hardship & The Drudgery Grasp Firmly Onto The Fleeting Moments Of Joy And Triumph In Your Successes & Achievements.

Crisp winter morning in North Canterbury.
For It Is These Which Will Keep You Company On The Long & Lonely Nights Of Winter Times.
Be Aware That No Matter How Important You Believe The Toil, It Is Not This Which Drives The Wheel.
Keep Your Books In Check & They Will Keep You On The Straight & Narrow Road Ahead.
And Through All Of This – Although It Is Easier Said Than Done, Try To Remember To Smile.
Laugh & Have Fun – For It Is All A Game & The Competition Is Not Against One Another.

The huge fish tank set into the wall between the kitchen and lounge is a piece of living art that is always changing.
It Is A Constant State Of Balance – And We Are All Trying To Survive The Best Way We Can, In This Uncertain World.
As The Years Tick By & The Distance Between Dreams & Reality Begin To Blur, Allow Yourself A Moment To Rest & Reflect.
Despite The Distance Still To Traverse There Has Been A Long Journey Travelled Already.
Many Stories Can Be Told & Many Faces Have Come and Gone. But Standing Before You Is Your Dream!
A Dream Bigger & Better Than You Ever Imagined It Would Be!
Now When You Sit With The Comfort Of Perspective At Your Back & The Ability Of Reflection & Hindsight Flanking Your Sides.
And You Try To Recall All The History, In All Its Spectacular Grandeur – It Is Difficult To Sum Up Into Mere Words.
The Thousands & Thousands Of Hours, Countless, Seemingly Overwhelming Challenges & Insurmountable Odds Overcome.
It Hasn’t Been Easy, But If It Were Easy It Wouldn’t Have Been Any Fun…!
None Of This Matters Now, It Is All In The Past.
The Only Thing That Matters Is What We’ve Learned Along The Way & How We Will Use This Knowledge In Our Future.
Never, Ever Give Up Your Goals & Dreams No Matter How Hard It Gets.
But Most Importantly Never, Ever Underestimate The Power Of Your Own Mind – Of Positive Thought & Action.
And What Can Be Achieved With Three Simple Weapons.
Passion, Dedication & Determination!
Regards, Ellis