‘Diver Magazine’ Article – Descending upon Canadian TV
North America’s longest established dive magazine, 20 April 2012.
Posted by Go Wild Productions on April 20, 2012
North America’s longest established dive magazine, 20 April 2012.
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on April 20, 2012
Descending is a brave new look at the underwater world featuring some of the most incredible underwater footage ever.
Nearly 3/4 of our planet is water. No matter how tall the highest peak, how wast the broadest desert or how inhospitable the polar caps – it’s all insignificant compared to what lies beneath the waves.
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on April 2, 2012
“The plan was to drop to one knee and propose while on a beautiful family walk up the beach, but the weather bomb that day had other ideas.”
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on March 17, 2012
TheSpec – Sat 17th March 2012 – by Meredith MacLeod – Adventure is their business. Hamilton company travels the world to produce TV shows. Lots of people dream of travelling the world but Andre Dupuis and Scott Wilson found a way to turn a globe-trotting adventure into a thriving business. To boot, they get to […]
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on March 10, 2012
After a year of traveling by Scott, Andre, Ellis, Steve, Anna and others they have put together a 13-part documentary that will take viewers on a journey exploring the submerged treasures of our planet (both natural and man-made).
The turbulant weather and diving conditions definitely impacted their time with us aboard Pinnacle but Victoria was only the start of their adventure showcasing the “Best Coldwater Diving in the World” and the footage from the Emerald Sea episode really showcase how great it is to dive here.
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on February 26, 2012
‘Morning Live’ – Canada TV Interview – 21st February 2012 – Swimming with Great White Sharks, surviving plane crashes, and sinking to 1000 feet beneath the waves are just some of the amazing adventures our next guests have endured. Good friends friends Scott Wilson from Brantford and Ellis Emmett from New Zealand are making an […]
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on February 23, 2012
Toronto Star – Sunday 19th February 2012 – The original 13-part series Descending, from Toronto-based Echo Bay Media, takes us to the world’s most fascinating dive destinations. It boasts cutting-edge digital camera technology to take viewers beneath oceans, lakes and rivers, and expose the secrets they hold. Scott Wilson (Departures) and Ellis Emmett (Don’t Forget Your […]
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on February 23, 2012
Breakfast Television Edmonton – 17 February 2012 – Ellis Emmett and Scott Wilson being interviewed live on Breakfast Television in Canada by Bridget Ryan about their new television show Descending. Click here to view the interview from Breakfast Television
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on February 22, 2012
Scott Wilson et André Dupuis, les deux aventuriers ayant créé la superbe série de voyage Departures, reviennent à la charge avec une nouvelle émission de voyage, Descending.
Cette nouvelle série se concentre sur l’exploration du monde marin, soit 70% de l’espace terrestre. Animée par Scott Wilson et Ellis Emmett, Descending promet d’offrir un superbe travail de cinématographie, dans une émission alliant humour, aventure et connaissance.
Categories: Media
Posted by Go Wild Productions on February 22, 2012
For most humans, it’s easy to forget that 71 per cent of Earth is covered by water. Most of us won’t ever see an ocean, let alone swim in one, and even though many lives intersect with massive bodies of water, exploration of underwater geography and life is still limited.
Categories: Media
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